The beneficiaries of the BAKUP CIC include those families, individuals and single parents who have had an abrupt change in their circumstances and as a result have been made worse off. Also, those who are struggling to cope with family life. Not sure of what to do due to redundancy, furlough, unemployment etc.
BAKUP CIC aims to be the first point of call to all these people and to offer a bespoke counselling programme that will aid in their recovery. To use BAKUP CIC network programme and referral links to assist those identified in need of emergency short term food relief.
Furthermore, BAKUP CIC will offer alternative recognised and accredited online courses to enable those individuals, and single parents gain the required knowledge needed for a lifetime career.

Bakup can help you with clothing.

Bakup can help by getting you access to food.

Further Education
Bakup can help you improve your further education with help to get you on a relevant course to enhance your job prospects.

Older Adult Virtual befriending Service
This is a service dedicated to tackling isolation and loneliness among adults within East Northamptonshire.

Financial Education
At BAKUP we offer financial education tailored to your need. Are you a homeowner? Are you struggling to make sense of your expenditure? Are you able to retire comfortably at a good age? Is the maths adding up? or are you concerned. Would you like to be able to have great savings for when you retire? We can give you a well balanced financial education to support you on your journey.

Clinical Weight Loss (Free Consultation)
‘Are you concern about you weight? The weight of any member of your family? There many reasons why you should be concern. Would you like to have a free consultation to know how we can support you with clinical approach? Just give us a call and a member of our team be glad to assist you’.
TEL: 07592616797
Bakup Services are here to help you.
‘Supporting smaller charities and groups across East Northamptonshire this winter. If interested in receiving ambient products for your group or charity, pls fill in the form and a member of our team will get back to you’