
Currently the project will be utilising the same space as that of other agencies due to a collaboration with the Local Authority. This choice is necessary at this point due to reduced cost, access to market, ease of access for clients and parking requirement.

As we aim to provide short term emergency food relief, we will seek to approve those who are destitute and those on any kind of benefit from the local authority or national government. This method will enable us to first find and support those who are really in need.

DIY SOS Ghana is a new project established to support families with children, single parents, older adults and individuals experiencing a life-changing situation. With the support of local professionals, DIY SOS will provide fixtures and fittings for those identified through referrals.  Most of this work will be carried out within a week to completely transform the dwellings of these people to improve their quality of life and mental well-being. We welcome tradesmen, who would like to travel with us to Ghana and work alongside the locals in using their skills to make a difference.

Agenda for change is a project that empowers young people from age 11 + to 25 to thing about how they can become part of the change they would like to see in their communities. Through forums, focus groups, and discussions to discuss the impact of issues including climate change at a local level and the impact it’s having on the health of the people, and what can be done to address it. It is about  putting young people at the heart of decision-making and letting them make decisions they will help in bringing about a positive change at a local 

Project 3

The HUB is a centralised project that will provide support in real-time for  local charities, food Banks, and small self-starters in business to understand what each organisation is doing and how they can work together at a local level, and share resources and training needs across their organisations to help them build resilience and to overcome challenges as a result of their collective force. 


1. Phlebotomy Training lab (In progress)
2. Mental Health
3. School Support
4. Environment/Climate Awareness
5. Employment Support 
6. Windrush Generation Celebration


Bakup long term goal is to acquire properties and lands through collaboration with passionate partners within East Northamptonshire to provide bespoke services that will lift all of the people within our communities to live a life of Dignity, Love and Respect.

We would like to thank our partners below

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