International Engagement
Supporting deprived families in need with DIY projects in alignment with United Nations goals on sustainable development. 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere 2. Ensure healthy living and promote well-being for all at all ages 3. Ensure access to affordability, reliability, sustainability and modern energy for all 4. Making human settlements safe, resilient, and sustainable
Prince Caesar and the team will issue a call to arms and recruit friends, family and local trades to help transform the homes of families across Ghana.
If you are a trade looking to get involved in a future build, please email your contact details and the region that you work in to: diysostrades@bakupservices.co.uk
If you are a supplier interested in donating a product or materials for a future build, please email details to: diysostrades@bakupservices.co.uk
You can tell us about a neighbour, friend, or family with medical, mental, or challenging needs who would benefit greatly from the project in any part of the region in Ghana.
There will be many requests for help. Please bear with us as we conduct due diligence and ensure that the support gets to the people who are most in need.
Alternatively, please email details to diysostrades@bakupservices.co.uk
If you are an individual, a philanthropist, or a charitable organisation interested in donating or joining us for a future build in Ghana, please email details to diysostrades@bakupservices.co.uk
BAK UP CIC is reaching out to West Africa (Ghana) to provide lifetime transformational DIY opportunities to people with medical conditions, older adults, and families with untold hardship who need a lifeline or a second chance to live in a place they can call home. We aim to get local, national, and international support to provide these people with vital support to enhance their quality of life.
We are aware of the serious needs across some parts of the globe especially Africa and many other nations. We believe by coming together and showing acts of kindness many people will be willing to join us and make a difference.

John Anum Mensah is an Electrical and Network Technician and a CCTV Camera and Electric Fencing Installer.

Ebenezer Nii Aponsah Dimson is a carpenter by profession with many years of experience.

Robert Nii Amoo Dimson is a painter by profession and has worked with various companies including Enego Co. LTD, and Micheletti Co. LTD

Daniel Attram is a builder with many years of experience working in the field with outstanding outcomes.